Unlike any other real estate agent or company in Georgia, our exclusive EASY EXIT LISTING AGREEMENT allows you to fire us at anytime during our listing agreement. If you’re like most sellers, you worry about being locked into a lengthy listing agreement with a less-than-competent real estate agent, costing your home valuable time and exposure on the market. Well, worry no more. Georgia Choice Realty will take the risk and fear out of selling your home with a real estate agent.
We will not lock you into a 12-month contract or even a 6-month contract. If you are not completely satisfied with our services and marketing techniques, you can just FIRE US!
With our listing agreement, you can fire us after just one day! We generally do request that you allow us at least 30 days to sell your home though. This means if you don’t think that working with us is your best option, just call us and tell us at any time to take a hike!
We feel confident that after meeting with us, you will see that we have the best home marketing program in the Metro Atlanta area!
When you sell your home with Georgia Choice Realty, you can cancel your listing at any time. No hassles, no worries. It’s simple:
- You can cancel your listing literally the next day if you so choose, if not it’s a day to day contract
- You can relax, knowing you won’t be locked into a lengthy contract
- You will enjoy the highest caliber of service from professionals confident enough to make this offer
We have a strong opinion about the real estate service we provide. We believe that if you’re unhappy with the level of service you receive for any reason, you should have the power to fire your agent. It takes a strong belief in the quality of our service to make this kind of offer, and we are proud to make it, as our company never settles for anything less that the highest professional standards. We’re so confident that you will be happy with our service and results that we put it in writing – we always stand behind our service!